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The Rise Club: Multi-brand Website Builds

Role: graphic & website design, branding, front end development, project management



The Rise Club, a strategic business partner, was looking to create a web presence for their corporate brand, an app-based platform geared towards multiple markets, and a business success framework that supports sales, marketing, operations, and culture.


The decision was made to create three separate sites instead of one large one under one domain. Mainly, this is because each brand is targeting a different audience, has a different main location, and is run by separate groups of people. This will also make it easy for any of the brands to change hands in the future, if they decide to do so. We decided to build a content “hub” which would provide a high level overview of the corporate team, mission, and values, and direct users to the other sites. Following this we launched the Keep Rising Platform site. This site is the most playful. I wanted to keep the design professional but fun, and I achieved this by tying in the main aesthetic framework of the corporate Rise Club site with bright colors, icons, subtle animations and descriptive photography. The purpose of this site is to showcase an app-based platform that focuses on making healthy choices. A highlight of this build for me was designing and developing a dynamic section which provides different information based on the industry that the user selects to identify with. While this has not been launched yet on the live version of the site, it is a convenient feature that is easy to implement and ready to go once the client decides to utilize it.

The next site I built is The Rise Framework site. The Rise Framework promotes business success by supporting sales, marketing, operations, and culture. This design is more traditional and leans toward the main corporate aesthetic. This site provides a lot of information, and I worked hard to organize and break up the content into smaller sections that are visually engaging and easy to digest.

All three sites utilize a custom built sub navigation which sits along the top of each page allowing users to quickly switch between the multiple brands. They all follow The Rise Club’s overall brand style guide - which proved flexible enough to provide a solid visual foundation while also allowing for subtle customization.


A trio of sites which provide a cohesive overall brand aesthetic and allow for future company growth. The user is provided with visual cues to alert them that these brands fall under the main corporate umbrella of The Rise Club. They are easy to navigate and provide a quick sub navigation to switch between brands. I designed these sites with the company’s future success in mind, providing solutions such as market breakouts and the ability to quickly add a blog to generate content, after speaking to the client about their strategic goals.

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